First Ever Australian Armenian Art and Photography Exhibition by Australian Armenian Artists in Yerevan, Armenia
For the past fourteen months I have been pretty much neglecting this blog and have been working on a side project as part of my voluntary role as an Art and Marketing Director with the Australian Armenian Art Advisory Council. The project was entitled ‘Australian Lives, Armenian Dreams’.
Fist of all the Australian Art Advisory Council is a non-profit ogranisation which has been staging Biennial Art and Photography exhibitions in Sydney since the early 1980s. My personal involvement with this organisation started in 2013. Since then I have been part of organising two Biennial Art and Photography exhibitions here in Sydney and the first ever exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in Yerevan, Armenia, by Australian–Armenian artists this year. In addition to this I have produced the 9th Biennial Art and Photography exhibition book, the first book in the history of the Australian–Armenian Art Advisory Council. The book was co-written and produced with Ashley Kalagian Blunt.
‘Australian Lives, Armenian Dreams’ was held at the Museum of Modern Art in Yerevan from 25 September – 2 October. The exhibition featured eleven artists of whom nine travelled to Armenia to be part of the exhibition. The exhibition attracted huge interest from the public and the media. The exhibition was heavily promoted by H3 TV news and several interviews with the media took place.
The exhibition was headed by our chairman Eddie Vesmadian, Shake Vartanian and myself in addition to Jacob Majarian. Eddie Vemadian was one of the original founders of the Australian–Armenian Art Advisory Council.
Artists who took place in this exhibition were Ara Nalbandian (artist), Paulette Arzoumanian (artist), Robert Srjararian (photographer), Jacob Majarian (photographer), Shake Vartanian (artist), Giro Tavitian (artist), Lucy Sarkisyan (artist), Petros Hovagimian (artist), Shake Berberian (artist), Henrik Michaelian (artist) and Helen Alajajian (sculptor).
This exhibition marked a milestone for the Australian–Armenian Art Advisory Council and has raised the bar for future projects. The exhibition was self – funded without help of any grants or support from the government or the corporate world. I still cannot believe how we managed to put together such a big event with pretty much a zero budget.
This exhibition also marked a personal milestone for me as a photographer, designer and art director. My work was very well received and I was asked to donate two pieces to the museum, which was a great honour for me. I was also involved in creating the visual communication, branding and style of this exhibition. Furthermore, I was heavily involved with organising the event and corresponding with all stakeholders.
This was truly an amazing experience for me as an artist, photographer, designer as well as a key member of the Australian–Armenian Art Advisory Council. The stress and hard work was well worth the end result.
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